
The Life Integrity Difference

At the core of her practice, Christy believes each and every person has the capacity and power to use their inner strength and resources for their best lives.

This sense of empowerment places the client in the driver’s seat with Christy as a skilled and trained co-pilot. This approach helps build the capacity of individuals and teams to self-correct and adjust long beyond the engagement while providing safe and effective support during their journey.

  • Client Centered

    Each and every life brings different challenges and personal strengths - no two are the same. This is precisely why Christy takes a client-centered approach to coaching and consulting. Rather than focus on the tools and applying them to the problem, Christy begins with the person and reconnects with essential qualities that guide self-observation and practice in difficult, challenging, and celebratory times.

  • Compassionate

    There is nothing as special, personal, and intimate as sharing challenges and joys with another human. That’s why Christy’s practice is centered around a core of compassion and wisdom. The practice focuses of creating a space of safety and trust at the core - giving individuals a haven to begin their self-work, development, healing, and growth.

  • Experience

    With a deep passion for learning and an unwavering curiosity for application, Christy provides clients with inquiry, discovery, and application. A wealth of possibilities and approaches are brought to every consultation and coaching conversation with young people, emerging, and experienced leaders and teams.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.